Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The Magic key to success for Health & Fitness

December 15, 2009

Hi All,

Well, all good things come to those who wait.

For future Fitness Driven Blogs please visit our NEW page:

For all of your keys to unlock health & fitness goals for you and your family.

Check out our new blogs:

Autism, Supplements, Health, Nutrition, Fitness, Postnatal Fitness and Special Needs Fitness

Progression, micro weights and permanent weight loss success.

December 13, 2009

Want to make permanent changes to your body compostion?  The key is progression in your Resistance Training sessions.  Many people find that progression means a lift increase of 1.25kgs on each end of their Olympic Bar.  The path to achievable progression is here:  Micro weights!

Paul Cribb (Founder of Metabolic Precision) recently sent this email to his elite training force:

Hi Team,
Just wanted to remind you about the most effective strength gaining  tool you’re ever likely to find….

This is the only place I know of in Australia you can purchase these fractional Olympic bar plates.   They are high-quality, powder-coated steel (not aluminum) and come in  a set of ¼, ½ and 1kg (six plates in total).    For a meager investment of $65 they will give you an incredibly  professional edge over your competition in the gym.


Since this email went out, we have had great feedback about our Micro Weights.  And no wonder, they are manufactured with quality in mind.  Your Micro Weights Set WILL help you, your clients and your gym buddies progress safely with guaranteed success.

Here’s what a leading author, trainer and body-building competitor recently said,

Hey Paul, mate 100% agree. I bought a set from Magic when I was there  for the supplement  seminar, one of the best pieces of equipment I have!

“As a dedicated fitness professional, I am always looking for ways to  improve my clients results. One limitation I have found has been in  effectively increasing the weight being lifted by my clients, for  sometimes an increase of 2.5kg on the bar is just too much.

Whilst attending  one of the Metabolic Precision training workshops, I was introduced to  a set of smaller 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0kg weight discs and knew these would  be perfect. With no luck finding a local manufacturer I was ready to  give up, until meeting Magic from Fitness Driven.   As it turns out, her
company manufactures the discs I was needing and as soon as I saw  them, I grabbed them on the spot.

Small increments may seem  insignificant, but over time lead to HUGE improvements, and they will  always be a fundamental element in my gym now, and should be an  essential item for any professional trainer.”

Thanks Magic

Josh Dickinson
Physique Essentials
Whether you are looking for Micro Weights, a quality power cage or you want your gym to perform at peak function, we can help.  Our range of Custom made fitness equipment is your key to success.

Following much research and overwhelming response, FITNESS DRIVEN have now announced their custom gym equipment for people with special needs and disabilities.

visit us at:

www.fitnessdriven .net

to lodge your enquiry form.

Yours in health & fitness,

Magic & the team at Fitness Driven

Tis the season. What are you giving yourself?

December 13, 2009

‘Tis the Season.  Just take a look  around town at this time of year to see Christmas Lights, a Santa in every department store, frantic adults cramming toys into trolleys and glittering Santa Hats in every office and store.

Let’s investigate the meaning of the season and those sights we find bizarrely normal nowadays.

Christmas Lights

Well, why do we decorate our homes with lights?  I do it to bring colour to my home.  The feeling of warmth that wraps itself around me like a well-loved blanket is my gift to myself when I see children in awe of the lights show.  The sparkle energizes them and in turn energizes me.

I came home last night to find 5 little ones on my nature strip.  I asked them

Why are you here so late?  It’s 11pm and you should all be in bed.

Their reply was simple.

We love to look at your house.  We feel happy when we see the reindeer, the fireworks and the trees all sparkly.

So I thought about this.  It all seemed rather innocent and a few years ago I wouldn’t have explored this further.  But here goes:

The lights give hope, they give joy and when you look at them, the cares of the world seem to lift from your shoulders.  So the lights are akin to a good nutritional plan.  Eating well gives our body hope, followed by the joy of good health and finally the weight (literally) is lifted from our shoulders.

A Santa at every turn

So as I pondered the true meaning of the holiday season, I turned my attention to the beloved Santa who sees hundreds of kids each day.  They attend their Santa school, graduate and before commencing their jolly duties, they get the obligatory Police checks to work with our precious little people.

Many of my clients come to me with Hormonal Imbalances that deter  and defy them from losing their excess fat.  Santa in the store is a symbol.  He is a symbol of tradition, strength and care.  He sees many children of all shapes, sizes, backgrounds and interests.  So who is Santa in the scheme of hormonal imbalances?

Simply put, superfoods are your Santa.

Superfoods?  What are they?

Superfoods are those cornerstones you need in your day to day nutrition.  The most powerful of these  is ‘Flax Seed Oil’.  Flax Seed Oil boosts your Omega 3 ratio throughout your body.  It fights inflammation, helps with recovery and fights nasty side effects of menopause, infection, trauma (physical and mental) and aids in the stabilization of blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels.    Omega 3 is a much neglected fatty acid in our modern diet.  Just as Santa seems to fix everything with a jolly laugh and a lollypop: Flax Seed Oil (and its Omega 3 properties) gives our bodies the optimal defense against preventable degeneration,  internal aging and deterioration.

Another Superfood is actually a supplement.  It’s called Juice Plus.  You may or may not have heard of it.   The research behind this product is staggering.  Leading Pediatricians, Surgeons and other Health Professionals have studied this product.  All have concluded that it is a beneficial supplement.  So why Juice Plus?

“Eat more fruits and vegetables.” Over the years, people have found countless ways to ignore that advice. “I don’t have time.” “It’s too much trouble.” Medical science reminds us almost every day that good nutrition and good health go hand in hand, especially when it comes to the healthful benefits of eating fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, despite the growing medical evidence, less than 25% of American adults eat the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables.

There is no substitute for eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, at least 7-13 servings every day. But if you’re like most people, you don’t eat enough fruits or vegetables or enough variety. And those fruits and vegetables that we do eat tend to be over processed, over-cooked, or too far removed from the field. That’s why there’s Juice Plus+. It’s a convenient, affordable, and natural whole food based nutritional product providing nutrition from 17 vegetables, fruits, and grains.

Juice Plus+ is not a vitamin supplement, providing a limited number of handpicked nutrients. Juice Plus+ is a whole food based product providing the wide array of nutrients found in a variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains. It’s the next best thing to fruits and vegetables…because we don’t get nearly enough of the real thing every day.

To find out more go to:

Trolleys, toys and wish lists:  time to panic?

At this time of year we see the working parent scurry around, flinging toys into an already overcrowded trolley with a list as long as the ‘rabbit proof fence’ in one hand and the trolley is resting between their elbows so as to free the other hand for optimal grabbing.

Do they NEED these items:  no.  Do they want these items:  not really.  So why do they do it?  I’ll tell you (from my own experience).  The last thing you want to hear is one of these quotes from your little darlings:

This is a rip off!

@#&$%*!, (Followed by an almighty tantrum).

You don’t love me!

So why do we allow our bodies and minds to get ‘short-changed’ each year?  We know about exercise and nutrition, we know about the dangers of alcohol and smoking- yet we continually abuse our bodies.  We abuse our minds by telling ourselves that we will live forever without doing anything to combat disease.  Sad isn’t it!

I need to say at this point, my kids were the happiest people in my life when I lost a stack of weight.  They knew that I wanted to be part of their lives, they knew that I was working hard to be the best Mum I could possibly be.

So this season, don’t cram things in you trolley at the last minute: start your preventative measures now and keep them in place for the coming years.  Don’t wait for the toy sale of life- IT’S TOO LATE THEN!

And lastly (but by no means least):  Santa Hats, what do they mean?

The Santa hat is fun.  It symbolizes that your getting into the season of giving.  Many of my clients have pre-booked their programs for next year.  This early planning is their Santa Hat.  They don’t need to wait till they NEED me, they have fun doing their sessions at my studios, they have fun with their food and they have fun utilizing their healthy bodies and minds.  Their Santa Hat is good health and that’s the greatest gift anyone could receive!

So check us out now, we have some amazing specials (our Christmas gift to you).

Simply go to:

A final thought, Look to the kids this season.  Marvel in their wonderment of the simple tokens that we often take for granted.  They’ll teach you alot if you let them.  And so to, you must look to your health.  Your body needs a happy Holiday Season.  Let’s give ourselves the greatest gift of all:  GOOD HEALTH and OPTIMAL FITNESS & FUNCTION.

Merry Christmas and a very happy, healthy New Year from FITNESS DRIVEN.

Out of the mouths of babes!

August 12, 2009

Let me paint a picture for you.  It’s an ordinary day, the kids are arguing about who brushes their teeth first (in the vain hope that they will run out of time to actually do it), the dog doesn’t want to go out into the rain and after spending several hours getting organised to leave the house with presicion timing- I can’t find my keys.  Sound familiar?

How many times has the routine been carried out?  How many times have I thought there needs to be a more efficient way to get it all done?  How many times have I just kept doing it all the same way?

As  I get into the car (mumbling about the awkward routine) my son comes up with one of those comments that brings clarity to the confused rush.

“Mum, why do you make the morning so stressful for yourself?  If you do things straight away, you won’t need to cram it all into the morning rush!”

Genius, I think.  A 10 year old has reminded me that the little things I put off are all catching up with me.  If I put the dog out earlier, I wouldn’t be shoving her out the door now.  She would have gone out BEFORE it started raining.  If we had a bathroom roster, the kids wouldn’t have a chance to argue.  And if I put the keys in my bag, they wouldn’t be lost.

Sound familiar?

I see many clients each day who do the same sabotage to their exercise plans.  By  putting off the walks or the Pers0nal Training session, they begin to slide down the path of  complacency and disinterest.   It’s a slippery slope indeed.  Cancelling a session here and there is NOT fine.  Your body can become it’s own worst enemy.  Before long, you don’t have the energy for that workout or you don’t feel like that workout  and your body starts findng excuses to be fatigued.

Your brain becomes starved of endorphins (due to a lack of exercise) and the cycle keeps on going.  The less you workout, the worse you feel.  The worse you feel, the less you workout.  See where is this  going?

So my message today is :  Once you have planned something- stick to it!  Keep that training appointment, get the small, fiddly jobs done early so you can more of the good stuff when it comes along.

Exercise, following a good nutritional plan and spending time with friends and family are all healthy practices that need to be done when they are scheduled.  Not when you get around to it.

For me,  my keys are in my bag, the lunches are made for the morning and I have drawn up a colourful bathroom chart for tomorrow.

Just remember:  you’re a role model.  If you don’t pick up on time management, someone else will.  Set a good example (especially with exercise!)

Hello world!

August 11, 2009

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